
地址 : 江苏省江阴市贵宾大道22号
联系人 : 李经理

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来源:恒中精工 时间:2016-07-11 浏览量:



Mixing mechanical equipment automation production line process and automation control

     As the 4.0 industrial ear is coming which also the technology and product rapid promotion times, our company combines information technology, control technology, equipment manufacturing technology with advanced production technology and end-use products manufacturer modern management concepts into a whole. Our company adopts computer information technology and Siemens industrial automation technology to develop production and management integration automatic production line according to the products manufacturing process and mechanical equipment characteristics. Our company uses Siemens high-performance industrial control platform and uses standard modular products integration as high-performance and high reliability control system. The complete production line contains automatic transmission measurement of raw material storage, transmission, composition processes; premixing process; fully automatic multi-function mixing;on-line monitoring;finished products conveyor; products storage such above mentioned systems related unit equipment. Our production line can achieves the process section precision composition and whole production real time monitoring.



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页面版权:江阴市恒中精工机械有限公司 地 址 : 江苏省江阴市贵宾大道22号 手机 :13812097291 电话:0510-86092297